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"Anyaman: the traditional craft of basket weaving the symbol of a nation’s culture & religion”


This painting expresses the admiration for ‘Anyaman’. The artist uses Plywood create a natural sense, which according to the artist ‘is a link to the naturality of traditional craft’. The ‘Anyaman’, with its distinct Islamic geometric patterns allows the viewer’s locally and internationally to grow an interest for a craft that the nation adorns. The artists hopes that by creating such an artwork would immortalise the traditional craft in the contemporary art scene, showcasing a piece of Brunei Darussalam heritage.

The Weaving Pattern

SKU: EM-003-EM1-03
  • Artist


  • Materials | Medium

    Acrylic paint and Tea stain on plywood

  • Dimension

    121cm x 121.5cm

  • Year


  • Exhibition

    EMERGE 1

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